So about two weeks ago all seven of us brought our rug rats in for a group picture. There are plenty of other pictures but you try to keep seven babies still for longer than 30 seconds.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Seven kids in less than a year!!!!!
Looking at that subject heading it seems hard to believe. At Comcast they have started to put fertility drugs in the water and seven children were born within the last year. The really crazy thing is the only child born that was not the parent’s first baby was my Jack.
So about two weeks ago all seven of us brought our rug rats in for a group picture. There are plenty of other pictures but you try to keep seven babies still for longer than 30 seconds.

So about two weeks ago all seven of us brought our rug rats in for a group picture. There are plenty of other pictures but you try to keep seven babies still for longer than 30 seconds.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
More Vacation Pictures
Here are some more vacation photos. To see even more photos go to my facebook page by clicking HERE.

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Back to the real world
66 e-mails to my personal e-mail account
336 e-mails to my work account
That’s what happens when you are away from your computer for 5 days.
Our vacation was awesome. I loved every moment. It was completely opposite of my everyday life.
We arrived pretty late on Sunday night where we did not do a whole lot but catch up. On Monday, we went on our first boat ride of the stay. Lex did very good. He was a little scared but ultimately did a fantastic job on the ride, including taking a bit of nap.

Lisa & Lex waiting to leave the dock

Heading out to the Nanticoke River

Lex taking a nap on the boat
Monday night we went to a carnival in Sharptown, MD. As you can tell we had a really good time. Lex rode every ride he possible could at least 3 times. Lisa and Jack even got in on the fun for the rides. One great moment came when Lex was at the top of the Ferris wheel with Aunt Melba, he than proceeds to look down and yell, “Daddy, I love you!”

Lex, Jack and Lisa enjoying a carnival ride

Lex in his spaceship!!!

Aunt Milly with Jack

Lex and I on the Merry Go Round

Jack and I hanging out
Tuesday we swam in the Nanticoke River, and went on another boat ride. Lex was being taught how to drive this time.

Getting ready for a dip in the river

Jack, the fearless one seeign how far out he can go

The Williams Family on the Nanticoke beach

The M&M Lincoln

Lex learning how to drive a boat
Wednesday, we went to Ocean City, MD and walked the boardwalk and went to the beach. I do not have any pictures because Lisa has not loaded any from her camera yet. But I am sure I will get another post of more pictures. Probably next weekend
Thursday was kind of a lazy day because of the rain. But we did more swimming and fishing.

Jack playing in the Nanticoke river

Lex playing in the sand

Lex learning about eating what you catch

We had an amazing time

Thank you Aunt Melba and Aunt Milly. We had an amazing time and can not wait to visit again
I will post more pictures when I can.
336 e-mails to my work account
That’s what happens when you are away from your computer for 5 days.
Our vacation was awesome. I loved every moment. It was completely opposite of my everyday life.
We arrived pretty late on Sunday night where we did not do a whole lot but catch up. On Monday, we went on our first boat ride of the stay. Lex did very good. He was a little scared but ultimately did a fantastic job on the ride, including taking a bit of nap.

Monday night we went to a carnival in Sharptown, MD. As you can tell we had a really good time. Lex rode every ride he possible could at least 3 times. Lisa and Jack even got in on the fun for the rides. One great moment came when Lex was at the top of the Ferris wheel with Aunt Melba, he than proceeds to look down and yell, “Daddy, I love you!”

Tuesday we swam in the Nanticoke River, and went on another boat ride. Lex was being taught how to drive this time.

Wednesday, we went to Ocean City, MD and walked the boardwalk and went to the beach. I do not have any pictures because Lisa has not loaded any from her camera yet. But I am sure I will get another post of more pictures. Probably next weekend
Thursday was kind of a lazy day because of the rain. But we did more swimming and fishing.

I will post more pictures when I can.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Finally!!!! Time for Vacation
The countdown has begun. My vacation starts in a few hours and I am ready to go. Lisa and myself are going to take Lex and Jack and visit my Aunt Melba and Aunt Milly’s house off the Nanticoke River. You have no idea how excited I am for this trip. I believe I have hit the point where I am completely burned out. I have had scattered days off the last few weeks but I was not just sitting around and relaxing. We had a family reunion, I helped a friend move, weddings amongst other things. As of right now I am working at the Hampton Inn until 3pm. When 3pm comes I am picking up the family and enjoying 5 days of reading, fishing, crabbing, boating, playing with children and relaxing. So later today I am turning off my cell phone, and I am not going near a computer until we return late Friday night.
One of my favorite vacations I ever had was spending a month with my Aunt Melba and Aunt Milly at their house on the Eastern Shore. It was a ton of fun. We went boating, fishing crabbing. I remember the crabbing and fishing was so good you could spend the morning on the river and come back with bushels upon bushels of crabs. We made a home video of our time at the shore that summer… I was manning the camera and I clearly did not have a steady hand. Pray to whoever you pray to that if you are at my parents house and they find the video my mom does not make you watch it. The most vivid memory about that vacation is the few days that it rained. I remember walking outside and the water was up to my shins. We called it the great flood of ’88 – I think that was the year.
So the Baltimore Orioles have a new skipper and the Orioles seem like a different baseball team. So what if they are 32.5 games out of first place. I gave up on the Orioles going .500 about 40 losses ago. The new skipper, Buck Showalter, really seemed to inject some life, and hustle into the current crop of O’s. The team is still going to finish dead and get the top draft pick but maybe Buck will give the team hope for next year… That sounds like a quote that every Oriole fan gives at the end of every year.

Buck Showalter and Andy McPhail... Can they save the Orioles?
I have a few hours left today of work and then I am heading out the door and leaving. If you need to get in touch with me please do so before 4pm because I will be MIA until I return…. No facebook, no twitter, no myspace (ha who are we kidding – no one goes on there anymore) and no blog.
C-YA next Saturday!!!!! Until then enjoy this picture below.

NFL and Denver Bronco Rookie Tim Tebow's new hair cut

I love hazing
One of my favorite vacations I ever had was spending a month with my Aunt Melba and Aunt Milly at their house on the Eastern Shore. It was a ton of fun. We went boating, fishing crabbing. I remember the crabbing and fishing was so good you could spend the morning on the river and come back with bushels upon bushels of crabs. We made a home video of our time at the shore that summer… I was manning the camera and I clearly did not have a steady hand. Pray to whoever you pray to that if you are at my parents house and they find the video my mom does not make you watch it. The most vivid memory about that vacation is the few days that it rained. I remember walking outside and the water was up to my shins. We called it the great flood of ’88 – I think that was the year.
So the Baltimore Orioles have a new skipper and the Orioles seem like a different baseball team. So what if they are 32.5 games out of first place. I gave up on the Orioles going .500 about 40 losses ago. The new skipper, Buck Showalter, really seemed to inject some life, and hustle into the current crop of O’s. The team is still going to finish dead and get the top draft pick but maybe Buck will give the team hope for next year… That sounds like a quote that every Oriole fan gives at the end of every year.

I have a few hours left today of work and then I am heading out the door and leaving. If you need to get in touch with me please do so before 4pm because I will be MIA until I return…. No facebook, no twitter, no myspace (ha who are we kidding – no one goes on there anymore) and no blog.
C-YA next Saturday!!!!! Until then enjoy this picture below.

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Pictures, Pictures & More Pictures
If you are friends with my wife on Facebook or read her blog you have probable already seen these pictures. But I am proud of myself for figuring this stuff out so you get to look at them again. This time on my blog.

Seriously, looking at my family I wonder how did I get so lucky?

Lex, looking at what may very be the coolest birthday cake in the world.

Lex, showing off his new fish. A blue beta fish that he named Thomas.

Double Trouble!!!

Jack, is so cute.

Even when he sad he is so adorable.

Now Officially a Multi Month Blogger
Look at this. It is August 1st and I have actually started a new blog.
This officially makes me a multi month blogger
So I finally heard from Lisa yesterday. When I got off work I gave another shot at calling her. I was able to reach her on her mother’s cell phone. She seems to be having a good time. She told me Lex is showing off to everyone and Jack has found a whole bunch of new things to get into. I really can not wait until everyone gets home. I am pretty sure Jack is the one who missed me the most.
So here is a confession of how pathetic I am in my old age of 30. I went to my parent’s house for dinner last night and was home by 7:30pm. I was lying on the floor watching last week’s episode of Covert Affairs when I woke my self up from snoring. At 9:30pm I grabbed a DVD and went up to my room, I laid down and next thing I heard was my phone ring which prompted me to turn everything off and call it a night.
So in my final night as a bachelor I was in bed and asleep by 9:45pm. Pathetic I know but it was such a wonderful night of sleep and I feel so well rested.
This officially makes me a multi month blogger
So I finally heard from Lisa yesterday. When I got off work I gave another shot at calling her. I was able to reach her on her mother’s cell phone. She seems to be having a good time. She told me Lex is showing off to everyone and Jack has found a whole bunch of new things to get into. I really can not wait until everyone gets home. I am pretty sure Jack is the one who missed me the most.
So here is a confession of how pathetic I am in my old age of 30. I went to my parent’s house for dinner last night and was home by 7:30pm. I was lying on the floor watching last week’s episode of Covert Affairs when I woke my self up from snoring. At 9:30pm I grabbed a DVD and went up to my room, I laid down and next thing I heard was my phone ring which prompted me to turn everything off and call it a night.
So in my final night as a bachelor I was in bed and asleep by 9:45pm. Pathetic I know but it was such a wonderful night of sleep and I feel so well rested.
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