Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to the real world

66 e-mails to my personal e-mail account
336 e-mails to my work account

That’s what happens when you are away from your computer for 5 days.

Our vacation was awesome. I loved every moment. It was completely opposite of my everyday life.

We arrived pretty late on Sunday night where we did not do a whole lot but catch up. On Monday, we went on our first boat ride of the stay. Lex did very good. He was a little scared but ultimately did a fantastic job on the ride, including taking a bit of nap.

Lisa & Lex waiting to leave the dock

Heading out to the Nanticoke River

Lex taking a nap on the boat

Monday night we went to a carnival in Sharptown, MD. As you can tell we had a really good time. Lex rode every ride he possible could at least 3 times. Lisa and Jack even got in on the fun for the rides. One great moment came when Lex was at the top of the Ferris wheel with Aunt Melba, he than proceeds to look down and yell, “Daddy, I love you!”

Lex, Jack and Lisa enjoying a carnival ride

Lex in his spaceship!!!

Aunt Milly with Jack

Lex and I on the Merry Go Round

Jack and I hanging out

Tuesday we swam in the Nanticoke River, and went on another boat ride. Lex was being taught how to drive this time.

Getting ready for a dip in the river

Jack, the fearless one seeign how far out he can go

The Williams Family on the Nanticoke beach

The M&M Lincoln

Lex learning how to drive a boat

Wednesday, we went to Ocean City, MD and walked the boardwalk and went to the beach. I do not have any pictures because Lisa has not loaded any from her camera yet. But I am sure I will get another post of more pictures. Probably next weekend

Thursday was kind of a lazy day because of the rain. But we did more swimming and fishing.

Jack playing in the Nanticoke river

Lex playing in the sand

Lex learning about eating what you catch

We had an amazing time

Thank you Aunt Melba and Aunt Milly. We had an amazing time and can not wait to visit again

I will post more pictures when I can.

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