Recently, this has happened to me.
I don’t remember the exact date in question but I will never forget the story. Lisa and I took Lex to see his second movie ever in the movie theater,”Tangled”. For those who do not know Tangled is the Disney version of Rapunzel. While I was watching this movie with everyone I realized that Ariel from the Little Mermaid is no longer the hottest Disney Princess. As of this movie, Rapunzel completely took over the reigns as the hottest Disney Princess.
I know this revelation doesn’t seem like much to you, but for me this has been earth shattering. Ever since 1989, Ariel came swimming into my heart, when she made a deal with the seahag, Ursula to meet her true love, Prince Eric. Now for the longest time I always thought Disney made a huge typo when they wrote Prince Eric and they really meant to write, Scott. I just let the typo stand and not make a big deal about. Ariel was the perfect girl, she is pretty comes from a family that has hot sister and she is the most attractive of all of them and the best part is when she is on land she can’t speak…. Ahh the perfect woman.

I feel like it’s a new relationship with Rapunzel. The poor girl was locked in a tower her entire life and kidnapped from her family. She is a bit annoying when she speaks but part of me feels it’s because of the repression she has lived through.

So my world has been changed and Ariel has fallen to #2 on the Disney Princess list (I bet you can not guess who #3 is)...
Hello Rapunzel... I look forward to many years of proclaiming you to be the hottest disney princess.
Goodbye Ariel, I will leave you with a rememberance of the we met in Disney World. Thanks for the memories
