We were eating breakfast when our neighbors dog, Buddy, barking like crazy out back. Buddy had slipped a disc in his back the day before so we were surprised at how full of energy he was. However, Lisa and I didn’t really pay any attention to it at all.
An hour later or so I looked at my Facebook page and saw my neighbor posted on our wall to go out into our back garden, and that we wouldn’t believe what was in there. By the time I saw the message what ever was in the garden was gone but it had definitely dug up the ground.
Our neighbors took a picture of it and we had a GIANT snapping turtle there.

The next day, Lisa was chatting with our neighbors and did some research on snapping turtles. We then went out to the garden with a shovel. Very quickly we found what she was doing in our garden.

When all was said and done we discovered almost 30 eggs were laid.

We talked to a friend of ours who told us we could rebury the eggs and when they hatch the baby snapping turtles are harmless and will go right to water.
Sadly the next morning we discovered something had dug up our garden and had taken the eggs. We were really excited to see the eggs hatch. I guess there is always next year.
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