Thursday, July 14, 2011


Well hello stranger where have you been….

Oh wait that’s me that has not updated the blog in some time.

I guess one of the problems with not working at the hotel is I can not spend 16 hours on the weekend updating my blog. So there may be some breaks in my posting of blogs but I will do everything I can to keep up on it.

So in an effort for Lisa to keep me busy so I don’t think about going back to work, my first weekend away from the hotel was a vacation week.

So before I start talking about vacation I will need to apologize for the picture selection. I know for a fact Lisa took a lot of pictures for the week we were away. The problem is when we came home from vacation her summer job has kept her so busy that she has not had an opportunity to upload any of the pictures. So until she gets them you are stuck with what I can find from the ones she was able to upload and from my mother-in-law’s camera

We left on Saturday June 25 to drive to Myrtle Beach for the week. We left around 7am and made fantastic time to get there. I believe we made three stops in all two to change Jack’s diapers and another for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. We arrived at North Myrtle Beach around 5pm. We were all really excited over the condo we rented for the week.

The Living Room

Kitchen/Dining Room

Upstairs Bedroom

The In-laws Bedroom

When unpacked everyone immediately went to the beach.

Lex swinging his way to the beach

Jack's first time on the beach of Myrtle Beach

Our First time in the ocean

The first day of vacation was a lot of fun. The entire family woke up and we went to the beach first as soon as we were done eating breakfast. The first thing I did was go into the ocean with Lex.

Lex and I in the Atlantic

When we were in the ocean we did a lot of digging on the beach and playing in the sand.

Scouting the area for our first dig

Off we go

Getting started

Jack we are almost to China

Lex having the time of his life

Lex finding the sand a new home

Not sure if Lex can reach the bottom with his arms anymore

Test how much more we need to dig

Lex sensing a trap

Lex falling for our trap

Lex buried alive...and loving it

Day two was more of the same. We went back to the beach and played there but that evening we decided to go to Broadway on the Beach. Broadway on the Beach, is just a small shopping area that may have one of my favorite stores of all time, a retro 80’s store! I could have spent our lifesaving on the junk they had. But instead I bought Lex a $4 can of sour candy that was in a Ghostbusters tin. Before we walked the shopping center we decided to go to the Aquarium.

Walkign to the Ripley's Aquarium

The Year of the Shark

a play area for kids there

I like to think Lex is King Arthur and pulling the sword from the stone

This is one of those times I do not have all the pictures that were taken. I had a very good time at the Aquarium. It was not as big as the Baltimore Aquarium, but they had a really fun shark exhibit, they were not nearly as expensive and not very crowded either. It was nice to be able to enjoy looking at the fish and sharks and not being run into 1000 kids with no manners. Not to mention the parents of those kids with even less manners. I did find that Jack did not like being placed as close as possible to the sharks. I guess he has the same fear that I have of being eaten by a shark. (Thank you Jaws, and Open Water for that fear)

As we walked around Broadway on the Beach we were trying to find the Hawaiian restaurant that Lisa saw an advertisement for and when our search failed everyone turned to me for a dinner suggestion…. Oh yeah we went to…

On Tuesday Lisa and I decided to take the kids and visit an old friend of mine, Jennifer. Jennifer was the second GM I had at the Hampton Inn and my first AGM. She is resort manager for the Caribbean hotel and Villas. We had spoken on Sunday and she told me to bring the family and she would get us into their water park.

When we arrived there Jack was sound asleep and was not happy when he woke up. And was even less happy when he realized he was in the pool water. So Lisa took Jack out of the pool and he ended up falling asleep on her shoulder for the time we were there. Lex on the other hand took one look at the water slide and wanted to go down it. He got to the very top of the stairs, looked down the slide and had cold feet. So the life guard called me to come up and Lex had to see me go down the slide first so he knew it was okay. I haven’t gone down a water slide in years and had a blast. I may have gone down that slide ten times. Lex went down that slide for the next 2.5 hours. Around 12:30 Lisa did not think Jack was feeling well so we had to go and Lex was so upset about leaving.

When we came back to the condo we started to eat lunch when Jack threw up everything he had eaten for the day. And just like that my Tuesday was over. Jack did not want to be anywhere else but having his head on my shoulder. So while everyone else went to the beach Jack and I had to stay behind.

Wednesday morning Jack was back to his normal self. His fever had broke and he was ready for some adventures.

Jack not going to let a little illness get in his way


Mommy and Jack

Digging until he hits water

Lex finding the best sand

Nothing says family then digging holes on the beach

On Thursday morning we decided to go play Putt Putt. We found one of the courses and yours truly was the clear winner. Not to mention I was also playing with a handicap of Jack, who wanted to be held the entire time. I was actually pretty impressed with myself because playing with one hand I shot a 1 under par. May have been the second best game I have played. However, towards the end we could see Lex’s attitude start to change.

He ended up catching a fever which ended my Thursday and he wanted me to stay home with him. While he slept.

Lex sleeping on his sick day

On Friday everyone was feeling better and we spent more time on the beach and went back to Broadway on the Beach to do more shopping and feed the fish and ducks.

Lex at Tiki Jim's

Feeding Time

If only...LOL

Whenever I see anything KISS related it make me think of my friend Richard

A long week

We had such a good time that week. The weather was beautiful and we are already looking forward to going back. I will take Myrtle Beach over the unnamed Ocean resort that is only a few hours away, any day of the week. With the exception of the car ride home we could not have asked for a better vacation…. Yes the children cried from Myrtle Beach to Baltimore… second worst car ride of all time.

Myrtle Beach we miss you and we will be back soon.

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