This year was a lot of fun. Lex wanted to go as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from the Ghostbusters and we decided that Jack should go as the green ghost from Ghostbusters Slimmer.
Lex’s school really goes out of their way to make Halloween special for all the kids. So Lisa asked me if I could take the day off and hang out at St. Pius X, volunteer with the students and help them get their costumes on. So Jack and I were able to spend the morning together and we were given a whole bunch of thing to do that morning. So Jack and I arrived around noon to the school and when we walked to Lex’s classroom, Jack was treated like a Rock Star. All the kids came out to give Jack a hung. And being as shy as Jack normally is he did not like all of the attention. The funny thing was when the kids started to play with Lex; Jack became obsessive about Lex not giving Jack his attention.
But I was able to meet all of Lex’s friends in his class. Besides Lex as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man I met a Superman, two different Spidermen, Obi Won Kenobi, a Power Ranger, Cinderella, Mermaid, Jessie from Toy Story and a bunch more. (Sorry I don’t have a picture with everyone in the class but apparently it was at this moment my camera phone decided to stop working).
I am not sure if Lex had the best costume or not from everyone in the Montessori school or if he is just really good at campaigning amongst the older kids, but Lex won first prize in the costume contest and brought home a 1lb Hershey Bar. Yes this is exactly what he needs. They then had a Halloween party in the classroom which proved to me that I was not meant to be a teacher for kids at least six years old and younger.
When we arrived home that night, Lisa’s parents had picked up dinner and we got the kids ready for Halloween.

As I said before, Jack was suppose to be dressed as Slimmer from the Ghostbusters movies. However, Jack refused to cooperate with Lisa when she was making his costume. So because of this Jack ended up looking like a pregnant man wearing a green shirt with pizza on his stomach.
The kids were ready to go around 5pm. They had their costumes on and wanted to get started. The only problem was it really felt like we were the only group of people ready to start. So we hung around for about an hour and waited for our neighbor's children, Kaelyn and Chase to get ready.

We finally were able to start around 6pm and after doing this with Lex the last few years we had a perfect route set up to hit as many house as we possibly could. I am proud of both Lex and Jack because even though we stopped at 8pm I felt there was enough life in them to go another hour. I think next year I am going to try to keep them out even longer because we have to hit as many house as we can.

Overall another excellent Halloween, and my community just makes so much more fun and it feels like an event. Halloween is quickly becoming one of my favorite holidays because of this. I am already looking forward to next year’s Halloween.
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