So it’s been about two weeks since I have been able to sit down and write up a blog entry. It has definitely been an interesting two weeks. It has been a weird two weeks with some roller coaster of emotions.
The best news to come from the past two week that one of my best friends, Tony, and his wife, Kory, found out they are going to welcome a baby girl into the world. I believe the due date is the middle of December. I am excited for them both. I am a bit jealous because I think having a baby girl would be a lot of fun…. However, Lisa is a lot more jealous than I am. I think it will be a month before she talks to them. I am only kidding of course we are both really excited for Tony and Kory and can’t wait to meet the young lady… I do know the name they decided on but I am not sure they have told the world yet so I am not going to play the role of spoiler.
Last Saturday, we had the Beever Family Reunion. Minus the drive to Easton and back it was a lot of fun. The desert bar could have put a diabetic into shock just by the smell of it. With the exception of ice cream they had just about everything you could have asked for. Lex had a blast jumping in a moon bounce while Jack enjoyed all the attention he was getting as he was being passed around from person to person. I was able to meet a lot of people I have never met before. All in all it was a fantastic time.
The sad news over the last couple weeks is I lost two of my friends that I work with. The first was Matt, he was transferred to West Chester, PA. I am really happy for him because he is on a good path to get what he wants and move up at Comcast. I think everybody was worried I was losing my best friend, but as I keep telling them I speak to him everyday. The really sad news from work was when they laid off my friend Lisa. She worked in our New York office and they moved her position to Bethesda. She was one of those people who just get it. I was extremely fortunate to be able to work with her and I am blessed to have her as a friend. She has gone to concerts with Lisa and myself and has even come down for dinner to meet the boys. Comcast made a really big mistake letting her go and she was doing a lot of holding DC together. I know I will stay in touch with her but I am going to miss all of the IM conversation to get through the day.
Right now I am kind of steaming over some things at the hotel. The first is I have schedule 2 weekends off and the hotel declined the request. I am still debating on how I want to handle this. I know what I would have done in the past. I actually was over it until I got an e-mail from my AGM telling me that I am the weekend supervisor and they depend on me. But the truth is if I don’t request days off I don’t get them. There is something else brewing here but I promised the person who told me my lips are sealed. I will imagine if everything is true the shit will hit the fan… And I am pretty sure I know which side I am already on.
Lisa and the boys are off in VA Beach visiting her brother and sister-in-law. So I am living up bachelor weekend. It’s nice but it sure gets quite. I have no desire to do anything exciting. On Friday night I just played some video games and watch the new Star Trek Movie. Tonight I am going to dinner at my parents for some roast beef and than probably just doing more of the same with video games and a movie. To be fair I will make sure the house is cleaned before I go to work tomorrow just in case Lisa gets home before I do. Just trying to avoid the slob label for the time being I am sure it will get attached to me somehow. Do you think I should be a little worried, concerned. The last time I spoke to Lisa was around 9am Friday morning. I called her last night on her cell phone and it went right to voice mail (surprise), I called her mom’s cell phone and was told she was over at Target. I never got a call back, not to mention two text messages and twice I wrote on her wall and I still have not heard from her.
So I am going to try and figure out how to add pictures and make my profile a little more fun while I am sitting here at the hotel for the next two and a half hours. I hope I did not bore you too much.
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