Let grab our time traveling DeLorean, turn on the Flux Capacitor had had back to that mythical year of 2006. The Republicans were facing many losses in Congress; including names like George Allen, who once was considered a favorite for the Republican Nomination for President in 2008. Here at home Martin O’Malley became the Governor of the State of Maryland beating the incumbent Robert Ehrlich, and Ben Cardin beat Michael Steele to become the junior Senator of Maryland. Not to mention back in September of 2006 I had just lost in a primary election for the 42nd District House of Delegates. Plus Lisa and I were living in a small apartment in Cockeysville and just found out we were going to be having Lex was going to bless us with his presence in 2007.
So here we are 4 years later and the country seems to be ready for change. The country is begging for a change. President Obama was elected in office in 2008 but recent polling numbers show that he has disappointed a vast majority of those who elected him. The Congressional approval rating is at an all time low. All signs are pointing to more change this Tuesday. I love election season. I like the strategy that goes into getting elected and watching how everything unfolds. I am constantly telling people I want chaos and unpredictability on Election Day.
I love that you can get commercials from politicians like this one.
Below is a list of some endorsements I am giving for Maryland for a few races.You have no reason at all to listen to me but this is who I am supporting tomorrow.

My Endorsement – Bob Ehrlich (Not really a surprise)

My Endorsement – Sen. Barbara Mikulski

This is another political rematch in Maryland from the 2008 election. Frank Kratovil was able to ride the coat tails of President Obama and was able to capitalize on a nasty three way Republican Primary Race to earn an office in Washington D.C. Rep. Kratovil knew he was going to be in a tough election this season and it showed with his voting record. Dr. Andy Harris is the state senator for the 7th district and probably the odds on favorite to win. If Frank Kratovil continues to vote the way he has been and not along party lines I think the people of the 1st district are in a win-win. With that said I like Andy Harris. I met him the first time about 8 years ago and a lot of my beliefs are better represented by him than Mr. Kratovil.
My Endorsement – Andy Harris
There is not a whole lot to say about this race. I know very little about Dr. Marcelo Cardarelli and Dutch will win in a landslide come Tuesday.
My Endorsement – Dutch Ruppersberger
YES, YES, YES. I am all for slots going to the mall. The fact that the money coming in against the slots is from out of state gambling facilities tells me that is a decision that should not have even gotten this far. The No for slots people have had their campaign ads removed off television because they were telling lies. They suggest places like Laurel Park, which cannot have slots do to not filing paperwork. How can you not want to support something that is going to put a lot of money into your county? If the people of Anne Arundel County vote against this bill they deserve to go into financial purgatory.
My Endorsement – Put Slots at the mall and start it tomorrow.
Below I have some local races. I am not putting any explanations why just because I do not want to be doing this all night.
State Senate – J.B. Jennings (R)
House of Delegate – Rick Impallaria (R)
House of Delegate – Pat McDonough (R)
House of Delegate – Kathy Szeliga (R)
State Senate – Dee Hodges (R)
House of Delegate – Joe Boteler, III (R)
House of Delegate – Eric Bromwell (D)
House of Delegate – Norma Secoura (R)
State Senate – Jim Brochin (D)
House of Delegate – Susan Aumann (R)
House of Delegate – John Fiastro Jr (R) – Got to support a fellow Loyola Don
House of Delegate – Bill Frank (R)
Thats all from me but most importantly;
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