The boys are doing very well. Jack just had a check up and weighs 27 lbs and 7 oz and is 32 inches long. My god I can not get over the fact that he is almost 3 feet tall already. He is a very independent child who wants to do everything that his brother can do. Its funny when watching Lex play a video game Jack always grabs the other Wii controller and the two of them are right there in front of the TV. While Lex is playing we tell Jack that it is him playing and helping Lex. The smile on his face is priceless. He is starting to get some vocabulary down. His favorite words right now are “Hi Daddy”, but I have heard him say “ma”, “yum” and of course “uh oh”
The other night we had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner…. Mr. Independent Jack took it upon himself to finishes Lex meal.

I could not figure out which picture was cuter so I am posting both of these

I thought this was a really cool picture. The snow storm that happened at the end of January ended up causing a parking lot for many trying to drive home. I felt extremely lucky after hearing some of the stories that I left me work as early as I did that day. But the picture is taken outside of my in-laws-house. They live off a very busy road and cars could not get up the hill at the light past their house.

I was so happy I was in my nice warm house with my family and did not have to deal with that type of traffic. Plus I get these pictures instead

After watching Lex play bowling on Wii for a few weeks now he was taken to Duckpin Bowling. Lisa and I were at a baby shower while he was there but from what we hear he did really well. He bowed an 82, and unfortunately had to witness my mother in law steal some poor guys chicken tenders.

Lex has an Incredible Hulk obsession right now. I can not say I blame him. The Hulk is my third favorite Superhero, behind Superman and Batman and ahead of Spiderman. He is always watching the Incredible Hulk Movie starring Ed Norton as Bruce Banner and the Hulk. He made Lisa watch the abortion of a movie that was the Hulk in 2003 that had Eric Bana as the Hulk. But my absolute favorite is that he loves the 1970 TV series of the Incredible Hulk. I have a bunch of those episodes on DVD and he will just put that on and be glued to the TV. He also stripes down to his underwear and runs around pretending he is the Hulk growling at me and the cats. But right now we can not get him away from the Incredible Hulk video game we borrowed from Uncle Buzz. It is fun destroying a city.
When Lex is not watching the Hulk, we decided to give ourselves a fun project. My mother-in-law got me a lego model of the White House for Christmas. Lex and I had a blast putting it together. Below is the finished product

I went to the “Tilted Kilt” last night for the first time. I went with Lisa, my brother in law Jason, and sister in law Allie. The original plan was for the four of us to go to Perry Hall Bowling lanes and enjoy the evening at Rock N Bowl…. Well apparently bowling late at night is popular and you need to make a stupid reservation for it. So by telling the rest of my “wolf pack” that the Titled Kilt was a trashier Hooter’s we were all in. Let me tell you I was almost shocked at what I saw. Basically these girls who all look like jail bait are basically wearing a bra and a mini skirt/kilt. Don’t get me wrong I was not complaining but I did kind of feel like the dirty old man in the room. The best part was when we got there; Lisa recognizes one of the girls as someone she has taught back in her early teaching career.
So my review of the “Tilted Kilt” is that it’s an okay place. The drinks were great, expensive but great. I could not believe how much my Orange Crush hit me when I was done the drink. Everyone else had a Purple Haze, which tasted like Grape Dimetapp. I am pretty sure Lisa really liked her drink. The food was alright, Lisa and I shared an order of buffalo wings. They were not bad but I have had better. Overall it was a god night and I had a lot of fun and in the grand scheme of things as long as I have fun that’s all that matters.
I am going to go ahead and post this now. I have Fantasy Baseball right around the corner that I really would like to start scouting and updating my player chart. I have a few drafts coming up in the next couple of weeks that I really need to start getting prepared for. Lisa and I have a very busy week coming up. On Tuesday we are going to see Les Misérables and Wednesday we are driving to Philly for Bon Jovi. It is going to be a fun week.
great pics!! The boys are getting so big!! LOL about everything else!! Thanx for updating your blog!:~)