Sunday, March 27, 2011

Knocked Out

I like to think I do not get sick very often. I have days where I may not feel well, but where I would actually call myself sick seem few and far between. I had lymes disease when I was 13 which beat me up pretty bad. On December 23, 2008, I was hit with a virus while at work, Lisa has that story in her blog that you can read “HERE.”

So everything started on Friday March 4, 2011. There is not much to the story this night except when Lisa was trying to put Jack to bed I heard her scream for me. So Lex and I ran upstairs to see Jack had vomited everywhere. The next day was a pajama day for Lex and Jack as we tried to pump Jack with juice and make sure he was okay, which he was fine. So on Sunday we assumed Jack was feeling better and we went about business as normal. We took the boys over to my parent’s house for a bit on Sunday and had a really good time. However, Sunday night was not so kind for Lex. That evening Lex started crying in his room and we discovered that he had vomited on his floor as he was trying to get into the bathroom. The next day he was really drained but he was acting like there was nothing wrong. On Tuesday we took him to his day care and they called us about an hour into the day and told us that Lex was running a fever and he needed to be picked up. That excites me because that means I basically got a day off from work as I went to Our Lady of Hope to pick Lex up. That night he was acting a lot better but the poor kid looked pale as a ghost. Wednesday night he was fine but as he was playing a video game I remember getting really cold and just not feeling right.

So Thursday morning we made the decision to send both boys to my mother-in-law who was watching them. I woke up that morning dripping in sweat, I was cold, and just felt miserable. I went to work and by 9am I knew I was not making it. I did some clean up work and e-mailed out to people things letting them know I was going home. I even e-mailed the un-named hotel I work for telling them I may need someone to have in case I need to call out. I was home by 10am and in bed by 10:05am. I thought it would be a good idea and I grabbed a movie just to play in the background as I tried to sleep… I was so annoyed with the sound of the movie everything went off and I laid there in darkness. I’ll spare you the details because even I don’t want to re live it, but what happened next wasn’t pretty. I apparently once again passed out while I was sick, which in case I haven’t mentioned it… awesomeness. The boys spent the night at my in laws house so it was a very peaceful night in the Williams house.

On Friday I woke up and even though my head was throbbing I told Lisa I was going to try to go to work. I believe the words were, “Don’t be an idiot” but I stood up and decided she was right and I needed to take the day off to recover. I made the decision at that point that I was not making it to the hotel over the weekend. I was basically quarantined inside my house until Monday. I still did not feel 100% on Monday and part of me felt like I could have called out but I was well enough to head to work.

Of course almost a week later Lisa gets hit with the same flu bug I had. The poor girl is still not doing well two weeks later. We took her to patient first and they did nothing for her… Yes Patient first continues their track record of doing nothing but charging people a ton of money.

Hopefully this pool of germs that we apparently are living in will be gone by Monday. I know I am ready for everyone to be feeling good and healthy again.

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