Well things got even weirder after that.
On Friday April 1, 2011 I received another just as creepy e-mail from Mitt Romney camp. This time with even more personal information that. Due to it being April fools day already I just assumed that someone is playing a joke. As a matter of fact I still do. However, I did respond to the e-mail.
Below you can see my response and the second e-mail to Mitt Romney.

Yes I did support Mitt Romney in 2008. But I didn’t even donate to him. By the time the primary election came around he had already dropped out of the race and it was clear that John McCain was going to be the Republican Nominee. I ended up voting for Mike Huckabee in the primary, not because I wanted Mike Huckabee to be President, but because I did not want John McCain to think I would vote for him no matter what. I know that sounds silly but that was my logic.
As of right now I am not sure who I am supporting. It very well may be Mitt Romney. However the only person to announce they have formed an exploratory committee has been the Governor of Minnesota Tim Pawlenty.
So back to the e-mail from Mitt;
A close friend of mine, who is a libertarian and a BIG Ron Paul supporter asked for my permission to post the letter on facebook and there were some interesting comments to the post.
I am assuming she is extended the same courtesy has been given to me to report the message thread regarding my Mitt Romney e-mails. I have deleted names to protect the innocent and to save some space I did not report the original e-mails.
• My friend – Posted Letter #1
• My friend –Posted Letter #2
• My friend –This goes well beyond personalization. This is borderline stalking. Romney obviously does not value privacy. He'll be the first to get us RFID chipped with a nat'l ID!! This is SCARY. Everything said in these letters was specific to my friend and his life. His children are under 5yrs old. There's no way they should know his children's names. This is a complete invasion of privacy!!
• Friends Friend #1 – Voter Vault knows everything
• Friends Friend #2 – Voter Vault?
• Friends Friend #1 – Voter Vault is the system the RNC/GOP etc uses to identify likely Republican voters. These guys buy lists from everyone to determine this. A high ranking Republican official told me that they even buy lists from grocery stores (you know those key-chain discount cards they try to get everyone to use) so that they can tell if you drink alcohol or not. It's data mining at it's best
• Friends Friend #3 – They have access to birth, death, school records pretty much anything they want.
• My Friend – They might have access to them, but it's quite another thing to use them. I can look up anyone right here and now (cbcs, personal records) and know pretty much everything about them on paper, but I am not going to use that info against them. This is stalking.
• Friends Friend #3 – You can certainly make a strong case for it
• Friends Friend #4 – This is beyond disgusting! Everyone needs to be made aware of this creepery, whatever it takes! I don't see how anyone can see this and then think that this is the kind of person they want as president. If he'll go to these levels as not even a candidate, what would he do in office? He has no decency, this is too Big Brother-ish for me!
• Friends Friend #5 – That's weird. Though since your friend supported him in 2008, I wonder if he had given them that information earlier... What (Friends Friend #1) said about buying lists is right. I signed up with GOA a few years back...so on Voter... Vault they have both me and my mother listed as being interested in the 2nd amendment. My brother had a cell phone number briefly (a week or two) when we first signed up for Verizon and they had that number listed with our information.
I agree that if this is not a joke someone is playing on me than it is extremely creepy. However, I am not sure I would use the word stalker. I think Mitt Romney would have to specifically know me and everything about me himself. Right now, if this is true, I would say he probably has a data base of his 2008 supporters and merged it with another list and this is how he found out my information. I am curious to see if I get a response. But either way it is amazing/scary at how much information is out there.
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