Yes I know we are a little more than a week into the season but I still feel I need to put out there the one thing I feel horrible about. My baseball predictions;
This year MLB has put in a one game wild card match up which means 10 teams will make the playoffs this season.
AL East – Tampa Bay Rays
AL Central – Detroit Tigers
AL West – Texas Rangers
Wild Card #1 – New York Yankees
Wild Card #2 – Los Angeles Angels
NL East – Philadelphia Phillies
NL Central – Cincinnati Reds
NL West – San Francisco Giants
Wild Card #1 – St. Louis Cardinals
Wild Card #2 – Washington Nationals
World Series
Tampa Bay Rays over Washington Nationals
AL MVP – Albert Pujols (Angels)
NL MVP – Joey Votto (Reds)
AL Cy Young – David Price (Rays)
NL Cy Young – Cole Hamels (Phillies)
Baltimore Orioles Awards
MVP – Adam Jones
Best Pitcher - Brian Matusz
Most HR – Mark Reynolds
Highest BA - Nick Markakis
Most Wins – Jake Arrieta
Final Record - 73 wins; 89 losses
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
The Hunger Games

Katniss Everdeen: Jennifer Lawrence
Peeta Mellark: Josh Hutcherson
Gale Hawthorne: Liam Hemsworth
Haymitch Abernathy: Woody Harrelson
Effie Trinket: Elizabeth Banks
President Snow: Donald Sutherland
Caesar Flickerman: Stanley Tucci
Seneca Crane: Wes Bentley
Primrose Everdeen: Willow Shields
Katniss' Mother: Paula Malcomson
Claudius Templesmith: Toby Jones
Venia: Kimiko Gelman
Flavius: Nelson Ascencio
Octavia: Brooke Bundy
Cinna: Lenny Kravitz
Rue: Amandla Stenberg
Thresh: Dayo Okeniyi
Glimmer: Leven Rambin
Marvel: Jack Quaid
Portia: Latarsha Rose
Cato: Alexander Ludwig
Clove: Isabelle Fuhrman
Fox Face: Jacqueline Emerson
Director: Gary Ross
Running Time: 2 Hours 22 Minutes
Original Release Date: March 23, 2012
Date we saw the movie: March 23, 2012 – Midnight showing

This is taken directly from IMDB
Katniss Everdeen is a 16 year old girl living in District 12, the poorest district of Panem, a futuristic country lying in the remains of the United States. Long ago there were 13 districts, but the districts grew angry in their poverty at the wealth that the capitol of Panem had. They waged war, but the Capitol responded with a brutal nuclear attack, destroying District 13 and rendering the other districts helpless. The capitol established an annual event in remembrance of the war called the Hunger Games, a brutal series of events that reminds the districts that they are at the capitols every whim.
The Hunger games consist of a boy and girl between the ages of 12 and 18 being selected from each district and shipped off to the capitol in a process called the reaping, where they are then beautified, fattened up and interviewed before being dropped into an arena with each other. They are told that the last person alive is the "winner" and leave them there. The kids fight it out to the death while all of Panem watches on national TV. This year will be the 74th Hunger Games.
After hunting with her friend Gale, Katniss cleans up and puts on a dress and hands her little sister, Prim a mockenjay telling her that as long as she has the pin, nothing will happen to her. Soon all the teens in District 12, a humble mining area, are assembled in the town square. A gaudily dressed woman, Effie Trinket reaches into a bowl and reads out the slip for the female tribute, it is Primrose Everdeen. As the guards take Prim to the stage, Katniss jumps out and volunteers, taking her sister's place in the Games. Everyone is stunned but Katniss walks stoically to the stage, ignoring her sisters screams.
When Effie asks for a round of applause for the volunteer, the district stays silent, and instead touches their pinky finger to their thumbs on their left hands, then kiss the hand and hold it out to her. It is an old symbol of unity and rebellion against the Capitol. Katniss returns the symbolic gesture honoring her sacrifice. A male is also chosen, Peeta Mellark. Together, Katniss and Peeta are this year's District 12 tributes.
The tributes are whisked away on a high speed bullet train. On board they have rich food and treats. Katniss and Peeta are in utter disgust at the luxury given to a simple train in the Capitol while they starved for every meal. Peeta is anxious to meet their mentor, Haymitch. Haymitch is a pessimistic drunk, having won his hunger games by pure luck. He continues to drink and flatter Peeta while pissing Katniss off, if only to get the gist of her. Arriving in a gleaming modern city by the Rockies, the train is greeted by cheering residents. Peeta waves back as Haymitch has told them they need to make friends. Katniss pouts and refuses to go to the window, sickened by the fact that they will soon see her die. As District 12, they get the penthouse in the Tribute building.
Katniss meets her stylist Cinna who promises to come up with a great costume for the gala entry parade. Katniss likes him because he is realistic and down to earth, something that most Capitol people are not. At the gala the tributes enter a stadium riding chariots, dressed in costumes reflecting the trade of their district. Katnis and Peeta enter last dressed in black with artificial fire streaming behind, symbolising coal burning (coal mining being the trade of District 12). As Cinna promised, they definitely make an impression on the Capitol.
The tributes undergo some basic weapons and combat training with knives, swords and bows. Another tribute, Cato, is imposing, hot headed and clearly a threat. Peeta is being bullied by the other tributes, so at Katniss' suggestion he throws a large weight across the room, to get some respect around the place. Later, each tribute has to show off before the game makers. Katniss misses with her first arrow and loses the small amount of the game makers attention she had, and despite her next shot being perfect, does not regain. She bullseyes next, but has already lost their attention. Sickened by the Capitols attitude towards the tributes, she shoots an arrow directly into their little cove and pin the apple out of their pigs mouth, sarcastically thanking them for their attention.
President Snow hears of the incident and warns the Head Game Maker Seneca Crane to keep control. When the scores for the training come on TV, Peeta scores a 7 out of 12, and Katniss scores an 11. This is unheard of, and her formerly mad escorts applaud her for her attitude. Later each tribute is introduced on TV the unctuous host Caesar Flickerman making small talk. Katniss arranges to scrape by with being a martyr and a sweet little girl, but Peeta just eats the audience up, getting them to laugh and go crazy when he announces his love for Katniss. Katniss is unbelievably pissed, thinking of it as a ploy for sponsors in the Arena or a way to make her feel guilty for taking his bread when she was younger.
Haymitch starts to give Katniss his full attention, realizing she has a chance to win it on skill, not on personality. He warns her to avoid the bloodbath at the beginning and find water instead. Finally the day arrives the tributes are raised into a meadow surrounding the cornucopia of weapons and packs. After the horn sounds the tributes rush in, Katniss grabs a pack and makes an escape, barely escaping Clove, the district four tribute, who embeds a throwing knife in her backpack. Thirteen tributes are killed in the bloodbath.
Katniss rope in her pack and an empty canteen. She finds a stream and drinks. That night she climbs a tree and ties herself in. While exploring the next day the limits of the game area the controllers start a fire to drive her back, Katniss manages to escape the fire but receives a bad gash on her thigh. Then she is spotted by Cato and 4 other tributes who have made the "Career" team. We learn that Careers are the kids who start illegally training for the hunger games when the are younger, then volunteering at the age of 18 and cleaning up the game. Districts 1, 2 and 4 always have Careers to go for them. They chase her but she again climbs a tree to escape. Peeta has joined the Career group. The five decide to wait her out. Haymitch sends Katniss a parachute with a tin of burn cream for her wound. During the night Katniss notices Rue, a twelve year old tribute in the tree nearby, pointing at a large trackerjacker nest. Trackerjackers, are another type of muttation made by the Capitol; a type of wasp, but with venom ten times stringer, which can be fatal in most circumstances. Katniss climbs farther up the tree and starts sawing the branch with the wasps nest on it. She is stung but the nest falls onto the Careers sleeping below. They scatter in pain but Glimmer, the tribute from district 1, is bitten too often and dies. The stings daze Katniss, but she is able to grab the bow and make a run for it, after Peeta gives her a loud and very obvious warning.
Katniss awakes two days later, Rue has looked after her. The two girls team up and decide to go on the offensive. While Rue creates a diversion with fire and smoke, Katniss nears the Career's stockpile of food and weapons. She notices the pile is surrounded by mines, using a well placed arrow she releases some apples, which roll onto the mines and blow up the lot. Cato comes back and breaks the boys neck who created the system in one swift motion, his anger making him murderous. Going back to find Rue, Katniss hears her call for help, and finds her ensnared in a net. Just as Katniss cuts her free, a teen with a spear attacks. Katnis kills him but the spear gets Rue in the chest. Katniss sings Rue to sleep, where she dies peacefully, then gathers several flowers and lay them about her, making Rue a part of the earth before she is taken back to her district.
We are taken to District 11, Rue's home, where her father stands in the crowd watching his baby die. At only 12, she experienced the hell reserved for the very worst. Rue’s father rages throwing cartons of grain everywhere, attacking the peacekeepers and soon his district rebels with him. As Katniss makes her gesture of peace and rebellion to the camera, the Peace Keepers in District 11 round up the rebels, shooting Rue's father dead.
President Snow is enraged at the rebellion in District 11 and wants to arrange the circumstances of the game to kill Katniss. Haymitch pleads with Seneca and manages to convince him to save her, convincing him that instead, the Capitol would love some teen romance. He goes onto the speaker into the arena and makes an announcement: If the game comes down to two tributes, and they are from the same district, then they will both be crowned winners, and will both return home as victors.
Katniss sets out in search for Peeta, overhearing the Careers saying they left him for dead by the river. She finds a trail of blood and follows it to the last drop, fearing for Peeta's death. Katniss finds a badly wounded Peeta, who has managed to camoflauge himself into a rock, and helps him to a cave. Katniss tries to treat Peeta, but realizes that he has blood poisoning, and that all will be lost unless she gets a special medicine, which would be way too expensive for Haymitch to send her at this point in the game. As if by magic, an announcement is made stating that there will be a feast at the cornucopia, but instead of food, each tribute will be given something that they desperately need.
Katniss waits until Peeta is asleep, then sets out for the cornucopia, hoping to get the life-saving medicine. When she gets there, Foxface, the girl from district 5, has already sprinted out and grabbed hers, catching the remaining tributes by surprise with her speed. Katniss decides un utilizing the same strategy, sprinting out and grabbing her pack quickly. She is stunned and thrown to the ground by a throwing knife, which is quickly followed by Clove, Catos's district partner. They fight, but Clove gains the upper hand, holding a knife to Katniss's throat and teasing her with bloodlust about allying with Rue, the pathetic little monster from District 11. As she is about to slit Katniss's throat, she is lifted off of her. Katniss looks up in surprise to see Thresh, the remaining district 11 tribute holding Clove to the metal of the cornucopia. He tells Katniss that she gets this one chance, because she helped Rue, but after that it's fair game. He smashes Clove to death on the cornucopia wall.
Katnis returns to the cave, the pack has the medicine, which also doubles as a general cut healer. In a romantic moment, the two spread it on their wounds and fall asleep in each others arms. The next day they split up to forage for food, Peeta to collect berries and Katniss to hunt. Katniss hears a cannon go off, the signal for a death, and panics, sprinting back to the site they split up at. Peeta is there, looking at a pile of berries in bewilderedness. Katniss sees the corpse of foxface lying a few meters away and slaps Peeta while crying, telling him that the berries were nightlock, a very poisonous variant on blueberries. She collects some and says that maybe Cato will fall for the same trap Foxface did. They start hiking through the woods, but notice in fright that the mid-day sun is dissappearing, turning the arena into night.
They freeze in panic at a sound in the woods, tensed and ready for attack. In the distance, they hear Thresh scream, and his cannon goes off, signaling his death. They stand in shock for a moment before a huge muttation of a dog leaps out at them, the size of a polar bear and with much more speed and agility. They are chased to the cornucopia, Peeta helps and Katniss up on top and barely makes it up himself, gaining some huge gashes on his legs. They both sit back in relief, thinking that the mutts will kill Cato and they will be crowned the victors.
Cato, however, is also on the cornucopia, hiding and waiting for them. He attacks Katniss, trying to throw her off to the mutts, but Peeta throws himself at him. Cato grabs Peeta, putting him in a choke hold near the edge. Katniss now has an arrow pointed him, and it is a stand-off. Cato is dripping blood from bad wounds inflicted on him by the beasts. He laughes a sadistic laugh as he tells Katniss he now knows what the games are for, that they are merely a weapon to make death, unneccesary, painful death. He is still choking Peeta, who seems to be telling Katniss something, despite his choking.
Cato continues on, telling Katniss that if she shoots, lover-boy will go down with her. Finally, Katniss gets Peeta's message, and shoots an arrow directly into Cato's hand. He screams in pain and Peeta throws him off, down to the mutts below. Katniss ends him with an arrow, and the mutts disperse. Peeta and Katniss hug, excited that the games are over. They wait for the hovercraft to retrieve them , but none comes.
A voice comes on telling the 'victors' that the earlier rule about two winners being allowed has been revoked. We see Katniss think about shooting Peeta for a moment, but throw her bow down instead. Peeta raises his arms, begging her to shoot him, saying he wants to die for her. Instead, she removes the berries from her bag and pours some into his hands, telling him that the Capitol would rather have 2 victors than none. As they are about to swallow the berries, the voice comes on again, pleading with them to stop. They are both the victors.
Haymitch tells them how foolish they were to show up the Capitol like that, and tells them to play up the lovesick teenagers angle in their closing interview. They oblige, but Haymitch tells them it will never be enough.
Seneca Crane is led into a finely polished marble room. The door is locked behind him. We see, on the only table in the very center of the room, a fine goblet filled with night lock, indicating his self-execution.
Katniss and Peeta travel home to district 12 by train. They arrive to find their families, including Prim and Gale, and a large group of admirers, waiting for them at the train station. As Katniss sees Gale, Peeta seems to realize that Katniss may have been playing up the star crossed lover theme for the audience. Katniss and Peeta join hands and lift them as the crowd cheers.
President Snow is watching the district 12 homecoming from the control room in the capital. He turns his back and walks away, wondering what he will do about the two victors and the uprising they have seemed to spark...

So the Hunger Games was a really fun movie. The first crazy thing about this movie is that a group of five of us decided to do a midnight movie for this. We bought the IMAX tickets and got to the theater 3 hours before the movie started to see this:

It must have been something like 200 to 300 people in line before us. They had the movie airing on 7 different screenings for midnight and 5 of the 7 were sold out. Surprisingly we had a really good seat and wasted time until the start of the movie.
I was extremely impressed with myself that I was able to see a midnight movie. I thought for sure especially after seeing Star Wars and knowing how tired I was I figured 30 minutes into the movie I was going to crash. This movie was a great movie to watch and I want to go and see it again already. It sets up the next movie perfectly too. So if I can nit pick for a moment I did have some issue with the training they had with Haymitch. In the book he is a complete drunk and Katniss and Peeta really stand up to him before her starts to take them seriously.
The problem I have with the movie is I read the books and I really enjoyed all of the books in the trilogy. I think this movie is fantastic and as I said earlier I wanted to see it again almost immediately. However, with that said I am going to give the movie a...

I really feel if I did not read the book a head of time I would have given this a 9 or even a 10 but like Harry Potter, the book ruined the movie for me.

Wrestlemania 28 Aftermath
Oh man… what a day it was. I was already wishing the entire day was longer when we got in the car to head home at 11:10pm on Sunday night. As we all had our high of just a tremendous day I was leaving Crofton with some sadness. I will get into that a bit later.
So it was always fun to see how horrible I am at making predictions. I wanted to look at the card I predicted and the 2012 Hall of Fame Class. I did not get a single match correct on my predictions from last year (yes I technically did get Rock/Cena however since they announced that the day after last years show I did not want to include it). I did do better when predicting the Hall of Fame Class. I did get Ron Simmons and Arn Anderson was elected to the WWE Hall of Fame with the Four horsemen.
So my first surprise of the night came when everyone showed up at the hotel at 11am on schedule and we actually got to Tony’s house at noon like the plan was. Tony had already cooked hot dogs and sausage for us and was just waiting on the burgers. We enjoyed a fun filled day of poker and watching wrestling (a 1992 card from Madison Square Garden). So 7pm came and everyone put in their predictions for this years card. Besides the $45 you can win you also had a chance at winning for the year this.

That’s right the championship belt. Truthfully I wanted to win that more than the $45.
Match #1 – World Championship Match: Daniel Bryan (Champion) vs. Sheamus
My Prediction: Sheamus
Actual Winner: Sheamus (New World Heavyweight Champion)
Look going into this match I really thought they two were going to put on a show. Last year they were supposed to wrestle and they were left off the card. I had expected the two of them to show everyone why it was a mistake to leave them off the card. Then 18 seconds into the match and we have a new World Champion. I am surprisingly okay with everything for the outcome. It got the crowd really hyped and was almost a perfect ending to Daniel Bryan title reign especially with how he was winning matches recently. Not to mention it gives a reason for the rematch and they can really take this for a few months.
Match #2 – Randy Orton vs. Kane
My Prediction: Kane
Actual Winner: Kane
Holy crap, I really felt like I went out on a limb for this one. I even only thought Kane was gone to win because Alberto Del Rio was going to return and cost Orton the match. The ended saw Kane choke slam Orton off the top rope for a clean victory. It was not a great match and will never be confused with a classic but it was enjoyable for what it was.
Match #3 – Intercontinental Championship Match: Cody Rhodes (Champion) vs. The Big Show
My Prediction: Cody Rhodes
Actual Winner: The Big Show (New Intercontinental Champion)
Ahhh, my if only I could turn back time match. After I had made my prediction I really second guessed myself. Another good match that will never be mistaken with a classic but it was fun. Nice to see the Big Show win a title at mania. Cody Rhodes is going to be a bright star for the WWE in the future.
Match #4 – Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres
My prediction: Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos
Actual Winner: Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos
Hmm…. This was the worst match of the night…. And really again it wasn’t that bad. Maria Menounos did an amazing job selling her ribs even though it looked like she had some anal leakage going on with her pants. But the common rule is when a celebrity is involved in a match that team is going to win.
Match #5 - Hell in a Cell: The Undertaker vs. HHH
My Prediction: The Undertaker
Actual Winner: The Undertaker
WOW…. This is how a good brawl should be. There was drama with if HBK was going to do the right thing. The Undertaker looked like he could wrestle another five years. This was my personal favorite match between these two in their Wrestlemania trilogy not to mention of the night. My favorite moment came when HBK gave the Undertaker a sweet chin music, and the Undertaker fell into a pedigree by HHH. Then he kicked out of the pin attempt. Miami was going bonkers. Great match and if the three of them never wrestle again they went out on a high note.
Match #6 – Team Johnny vs. Team Teddy
My Prediction: Team Johnny
Actual Winner: Team Johnny
This was in perfect placement as it gave the crowd a chance to rest between the HITC and the title match. I thought there was more you can do with the story line right now if Team Johnny won which he did.
Match #7 – WWE World Championship: CM Punk (Champion) vs. Chris Jericho
My Prediction: CM Punk
Actual Winner: CM Punk
These two had a lot of pressure to put the best match of the night on and they went out and delivered. If the drama of the HITC match was not as great as it was this easily would have been match of the night, especially if you consider work rate. Both guys put on an awesome match that was worthy of being the Main Event of Wrestlemania.
Now before I get into the Main Event as you can see I did really well in my predictions this year. I am pretty pumped that I am about to win that championship for the year. I am tied with a new comer to the event, Justin, no one else can catch either of us for the money and championship. I need John Cena to win and he needs to the Rock to win for this winner take all…
Match #8 – John Cena vs. The Rock
My Prediction: John Cena
Actual Winner: The Rock
I HATE YOU JOHN CENA….. Every nice thing I said about you the last few weeks I now take back. I did not think this match was bad. I thought the Rock look winded and really looked like someone who hasn’t wrestled liked he had in years. They were trying to recapture the magic of Hogan/Andre and Hogan/Rock. To be fair this match was 1000x better then either of those matches. But for getting the one year of being over hyped this match felt incredibly underwhelming. Not to mention I lost $45 and the championship belt.
I thought the show was very good. I know there are a lot of Monday morning Quarterbacks who think that they were cheated out of a better match between Daniel Bryan and Sheamus but I was okay with it. It got the crowd crazy into the show. The WWE did a fantastic job with match selection where they were able to give the very loud Miami crowd a break in anticipation for the next big match. I think my favorite match this year was the Hell in a Cell between the Undertaker and HHH, and a very close second with Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk. I thought the Diva’s match was the only thing that did not really need to happen but it was not horrible either. Overall the show was fantastic in my eyes. Is this show on the same caliber as Wrestlemania III, X, or XVII no but I was entertained for four hours which is all I really want.
So in what I would like to call my 2nd annual predictions for next year. Below you will find my predictions for 8 matches for next years Wrestlemania as well and my predictions for the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame
Wrestlemania 29 Predictions
1) The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
2) WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
3) World Championship: Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
4) The Undertaker vs. John Cena
5) Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
6) Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chris Jericho
7) Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston
8) Money in the Bank – Jack Swagger vs. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder vs. Brodus Clay vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. David Otunga
My 2013 WWE Hall of Fame Predictions
1) Mick Foley
2) Randy Savage & Miss Elizabeth
3) Bob Backlund
4) Demolition
5) Lou Thez
6) Lawrence Taylor
So it was always fun to see how horrible I am at making predictions. I wanted to look at the card I predicted and the 2012 Hall of Fame Class. I did not get a single match correct on my predictions from last year (yes I technically did get Rock/Cena however since they announced that the day after last years show I did not want to include it). I did do better when predicting the Hall of Fame Class. I did get Ron Simmons and Arn Anderson was elected to the WWE Hall of Fame with the Four horsemen.
So my first surprise of the night came when everyone showed up at the hotel at 11am on schedule and we actually got to Tony’s house at noon like the plan was. Tony had already cooked hot dogs and sausage for us and was just waiting on the burgers. We enjoyed a fun filled day of poker and watching wrestling (a 1992 card from Madison Square Garden). So 7pm came and everyone put in their predictions for this years card. Besides the $45 you can win you also had a chance at winning for the year this.

That’s right the championship belt. Truthfully I wanted to win that more than the $45.
Match #1 – World Championship Match: Daniel Bryan (Champion) vs. Sheamus
My Prediction: Sheamus
Actual Winner: Sheamus (New World Heavyweight Champion)
Look going into this match I really thought they two were going to put on a show. Last year they were supposed to wrestle and they were left off the card. I had expected the two of them to show everyone why it was a mistake to leave them off the card. Then 18 seconds into the match and we have a new World Champion. I am surprisingly okay with everything for the outcome. It got the crowd really hyped and was almost a perfect ending to Daniel Bryan title reign especially with how he was winning matches recently. Not to mention it gives a reason for the rematch and they can really take this for a few months.
Match #2 – Randy Orton vs. Kane
My Prediction: Kane
Actual Winner: Kane
Holy crap, I really felt like I went out on a limb for this one. I even only thought Kane was gone to win because Alberto Del Rio was going to return and cost Orton the match. The ended saw Kane choke slam Orton off the top rope for a clean victory. It was not a great match and will never be confused with a classic but it was enjoyable for what it was.
Match #3 – Intercontinental Championship Match: Cody Rhodes (Champion) vs. The Big Show
My Prediction: Cody Rhodes
Actual Winner: The Big Show (New Intercontinental Champion)
Ahhh, my if only I could turn back time match. After I had made my prediction I really second guessed myself. Another good match that will never be mistaken with a classic but it was fun. Nice to see the Big Show win a title at mania. Cody Rhodes is going to be a bright star for the WWE in the future.
Match #4 – Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres
My prediction: Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos
Actual Winner: Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos
Hmm…. This was the worst match of the night…. And really again it wasn’t that bad. Maria Menounos did an amazing job selling her ribs even though it looked like she had some anal leakage going on with her pants. But the common rule is when a celebrity is involved in a match that team is going to win.
Match #5 - Hell in a Cell: The Undertaker vs. HHH
My Prediction: The Undertaker
Actual Winner: The Undertaker
WOW…. This is how a good brawl should be. There was drama with if HBK was going to do the right thing. The Undertaker looked like he could wrestle another five years. This was my personal favorite match between these two in their Wrestlemania trilogy not to mention of the night. My favorite moment came when HBK gave the Undertaker a sweet chin music, and the Undertaker fell into a pedigree by HHH. Then he kicked out of the pin attempt. Miami was going bonkers. Great match and if the three of them never wrestle again they went out on a high note.
Match #6 – Team Johnny vs. Team Teddy
My Prediction: Team Johnny
Actual Winner: Team Johnny
This was in perfect placement as it gave the crowd a chance to rest between the HITC and the title match. I thought there was more you can do with the story line right now if Team Johnny won which he did.
Match #7 – WWE World Championship: CM Punk (Champion) vs. Chris Jericho
My Prediction: CM Punk
Actual Winner: CM Punk
These two had a lot of pressure to put the best match of the night on and they went out and delivered. If the drama of the HITC match was not as great as it was this easily would have been match of the night, especially if you consider work rate. Both guys put on an awesome match that was worthy of being the Main Event of Wrestlemania.
Now before I get into the Main Event as you can see I did really well in my predictions this year. I am pretty pumped that I am about to win that championship for the year. I am tied with a new comer to the event, Justin, no one else can catch either of us for the money and championship. I need John Cena to win and he needs to the Rock to win for this winner take all…
Match #8 – John Cena vs. The Rock
My Prediction: John Cena
Actual Winner: The Rock
I HATE YOU JOHN CENA….. Every nice thing I said about you the last few weeks I now take back. I did not think this match was bad. I thought the Rock look winded and really looked like someone who hasn’t wrestled liked he had in years. They were trying to recapture the magic of Hogan/Andre and Hogan/Rock. To be fair this match was 1000x better then either of those matches. But for getting the one year of being over hyped this match felt incredibly underwhelming. Not to mention I lost $45 and the championship belt.
I thought the show was very good. I know there are a lot of Monday morning Quarterbacks who think that they were cheated out of a better match between Daniel Bryan and Sheamus but I was okay with it. It got the crowd crazy into the show. The WWE did a fantastic job with match selection where they were able to give the very loud Miami crowd a break in anticipation for the next big match. I think my favorite match this year was the Hell in a Cell between the Undertaker and HHH, and a very close second with Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk. I thought the Diva’s match was the only thing that did not really need to happen but it was not horrible either. Overall the show was fantastic in my eyes. Is this show on the same caliber as Wrestlemania III, X, or XVII no but I was entertained for four hours which is all I really want.
So in what I would like to call my 2nd annual predictions for next year. Below you will find my predictions for 8 matches for next years Wrestlemania as well and my predictions for the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame
Wrestlemania 29 Predictions
1) The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
2) WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
3) World Championship: Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
4) The Undertaker vs. John Cena
5) Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
6) Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chris Jericho
7) Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston
8) Money in the Bank – Jack Swagger vs. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder vs. Brodus Clay vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. David Otunga
My 2013 WWE Hall of Fame Predictions
1) Mick Foley
2) Randy Savage & Miss Elizabeth
3) Bob Backlund
4) Demolition
5) Lou Thez
6) Lawrence Taylor
Sunday, April 1, 2012
The 11th Annual Wrestlemania Day!!!!!!
OH THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!
It’s here finally…. It’s time for Wrestlemania.

So a few weeks ago I was playing around on you tube and discovered an old interview with the Undertaker. Now he rarely gives real interviews where he talks about his career and almost never out of character. This one he did. As I was watching the interview I saw it was taking place right before Wrestlemania 18. Then it hit me…. That was the first year my friends and I did our Wrestlemania day. We redefined the word gluttony that day. The whole plan was for the guys to get together and watch wrestling all day long and that led into watching the actual Wrestlemania event. We ate so much food that year that I think everyone of us was beyond sick when the show was over.
Wrestlemania 18, 19, & 20 were all at my parents house
Wrestlemania 21, & 22 were at Buzz’s apartment
Wrestlemania 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 & now 28 have been at Tony house. It kind of found a home at Tony’s place.
Anyway, the original group was myself, Richard, Buzz, Runt, and Tony….. we have since expanded, Lunchbox and Matt, & people have come and gone over the years but the original 5 are still intact and we do everything we humanly can to make this event.
We will normally get to Tony’s around 12 noon…. Hopefully this year Tony will have started grilling. We will put on a wrestling DVD (this year Netflix) and then play poker until the show starts. It doesn’t sound like much but we love it and we look forward to it every year.
So with that said let’s look at the card for Wrestlemania 28!
John Cena VS. The Rock

The Main Event. This is one of those matches that help build the legend that has become Wrestlemania. At the end of last year’s Wrestlemania the Rock and John Cena set up this year’s main event. It is hard to believe it has been a year since then. I consider this one of the dream matches like, Hogan vs. Andre, or Hogan vs. Warrior, Hart vs. Michaels, Rock vs. Austin, Rock vs. Hogan. I feel I know who is going to win and in my mind it makes sense. Neither guy suffers with a loss… my prediction is Cena wins.
Hell in a Cell Match w/ special referee Shawn Michaels
Undertaker VS. HHH

Undertaker vs. HHH III…. When I first heard that this match was going to be announced I was really disappointed. Their first match at Wrestlemania 17 was fantastic, last years I was pretty disappointed in it and I felt like it was not something I want to see again. However, the added intrigue of the Heartbreak Kid as the ref, throw in a Hell in the Cell and a tremendous build up and I am sold.
My prediction is going to be the Undertaker going 20-0 at Wrestlemania…. But with this end of an era talk it sure seems like they are building towards the end of the streak doesn’t it?
WWE Championship
CM Punk VS. Chris Jericho

The match I am most looking forward to. CM Punk has been a star this year…. CM Punk has been one of the more vocal wrestlers that the Rock is at mania and in the main event. If Cena/Rock is like Hogan/Andre than Punk/Jericho is going to be like Savage/Steamboat, that’s how high the expectations for this match I have. I am predicting CM Punk to retain the title in the match every wrestling fan will be praising on Monday.
World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus VS. Daniel Bryan

The really cool thing about this match is that this was supposed to be a rematch from last year’s Wrestlemania. Sheamus and Daniel Bryan were wrestling for the US title but were bumped to the dark match which turned into a battle royal. Sheamus has stated in interviews that it was a humbling experience. What I like about these two wrestling each other is you get the feeling that they want to prove everyone wrong and put on a show. I fully expect them to. I am predicting a new Heavyweight Champion in Sheamus.
Intercontinental Championship
Cody Rhodes VS. The Big Show

Cody Rhodes has been one of those wrestlers who has really impressed me over the last year. Last year I thought he had the second best match of the night with Rey Mysterio Jr. Big Show is the complete opposite of the Undertaker and has one of the worst records in Wrestlemania history. I think Cody Rhodes wins the match because he has future world champion written all over him.
Team Johnny VS. Team Teddy

This is why you need to bring back Money in the Bank to Wrestlemania. I really do not want to see a match between the two GM’s. Hopefully this is a fast match which is fun and can show case some of the wrestlers. I am picking Team Johnny to win for two reasons. One, because this seems like a perfect thing for a heel to win, and two because of Dolph Ziggler. The guy has everything that a wrestling fan wants to see and will be a World Champion very soon.
Kane VS. Randy Orton

Randy Orton. It kind of feels like the WWE did not know what to do with Orton this year. I really do not watch a lot of Smackdown so I am not sure how the build up for it has been. I am going to pick Kane to win because someone is going to cost Orton the match. My guess is Alberto Del Rio.
Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos VS. Beth Phoenix & Eve

A woman’s tag match…. With a celebrity involved…. This will clearly take place between the Hell in a Cell and Cena/Rock. I am going with Meh and I don’t care…. I pick Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos
I may change this by the time the show starts but I am so ready for 7pm on Sunday night.
It’s here finally…. It’s time for Wrestlemania.

So a few weeks ago I was playing around on you tube and discovered an old interview with the Undertaker. Now he rarely gives real interviews where he talks about his career and almost never out of character. This one he did. As I was watching the interview I saw it was taking place right before Wrestlemania 18. Then it hit me…. That was the first year my friends and I did our Wrestlemania day. We redefined the word gluttony that day. The whole plan was for the guys to get together and watch wrestling all day long and that led into watching the actual Wrestlemania event. We ate so much food that year that I think everyone of us was beyond sick when the show was over.
Wrestlemania 18, 19, & 20 were all at my parents house
Wrestlemania 21, & 22 were at Buzz’s apartment
Wrestlemania 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 & now 28 have been at Tony house. It kind of found a home at Tony’s place.
Anyway, the original group was myself, Richard, Buzz, Runt, and Tony….. we have since expanded, Lunchbox and Matt, & people have come and gone over the years but the original 5 are still intact and we do everything we humanly can to make this event.
We will normally get to Tony’s around 12 noon…. Hopefully this year Tony will have started grilling. We will put on a wrestling DVD (this year Netflix) and then play poker until the show starts. It doesn’t sound like much but we love it and we look forward to it every year.
So with that said let’s look at the card for Wrestlemania 28!

The Main Event. This is one of those matches that help build the legend that has become Wrestlemania. At the end of last year’s Wrestlemania the Rock and John Cena set up this year’s main event. It is hard to believe it has been a year since then. I consider this one of the dream matches like, Hogan vs. Andre, or Hogan vs. Warrior, Hart vs. Michaels, Rock vs. Austin, Rock vs. Hogan. I feel I know who is going to win and in my mind it makes sense. Neither guy suffers with a loss… my prediction is Cena wins.

Undertaker vs. HHH III…. When I first heard that this match was going to be announced I was really disappointed. Their first match at Wrestlemania 17 was fantastic, last years I was pretty disappointed in it and I felt like it was not something I want to see again. However, the added intrigue of the Heartbreak Kid as the ref, throw in a Hell in the Cell and a tremendous build up and I am sold.
My prediction is going to be the Undertaker going 20-0 at Wrestlemania…. But with this end of an era talk it sure seems like they are building towards the end of the streak doesn’t it?

The match I am most looking forward to. CM Punk has been a star this year…. CM Punk has been one of the more vocal wrestlers that the Rock is at mania and in the main event. If Cena/Rock is like Hogan/Andre than Punk/Jericho is going to be like Savage/Steamboat, that’s how high the expectations for this match I have. I am predicting CM Punk to retain the title in the match every wrestling fan will be praising on Monday.

The really cool thing about this match is that this was supposed to be a rematch from last year’s Wrestlemania. Sheamus and Daniel Bryan were wrestling for the US title but were bumped to the dark match which turned into a battle royal. Sheamus has stated in interviews that it was a humbling experience. What I like about these two wrestling each other is you get the feeling that they want to prove everyone wrong and put on a show. I fully expect them to. I am predicting a new Heavyweight Champion in Sheamus.

Cody Rhodes has been one of those wrestlers who has really impressed me over the last year. Last year I thought he had the second best match of the night with Rey Mysterio Jr. Big Show is the complete opposite of the Undertaker and has one of the worst records in Wrestlemania history. I think Cody Rhodes wins the match because he has future world champion written all over him.

This is why you need to bring back Money in the Bank to Wrestlemania. I really do not want to see a match between the two GM’s. Hopefully this is a fast match which is fun and can show case some of the wrestlers. I am picking Team Johnny to win for two reasons. One, because this seems like a perfect thing for a heel to win, and two because of Dolph Ziggler. The guy has everything that a wrestling fan wants to see and will be a World Champion very soon.

Randy Orton. It kind of feels like the WWE did not know what to do with Orton this year. I really do not watch a lot of Smackdown so I am not sure how the build up for it has been. I am going to pick Kane to win because someone is going to cost Orton the match. My guess is Alberto Del Rio.

A woman’s tag match…. With a celebrity involved…. This will clearly take place between the Hell in a Cell and Cena/Rock. I am going with Meh and I don’t care…. I pick Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos
I may change this by the time the show starts but I am so ready for 7pm on Sunday night.
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