So it was always fun to see how horrible I am at making predictions. I wanted to look at the card I predicted and the 2012 Hall of Fame Class. I did not get a single match correct on my predictions from last year (yes I technically did get Rock/Cena however since they announced that the day after last years show I did not want to include it). I did do better when predicting the Hall of Fame Class. I did get Ron Simmons and Arn Anderson was elected to the WWE Hall of Fame with the Four horsemen.
So my first surprise of the night came when everyone showed up at the hotel at 11am on schedule and we actually got to Tony’s house at noon like the plan was. Tony had already cooked hot dogs and sausage for us and was just waiting on the burgers. We enjoyed a fun filled day of poker and watching wrestling (a 1992 card from Madison Square Garden). So 7pm came and everyone put in their predictions for this years card. Besides the $45 you can win you also had a chance at winning for the year this.

That’s right the championship belt. Truthfully I wanted to win that more than the $45.
Match #1 – World Championship Match: Daniel Bryan (Champion) vs. Sheamus
My Prediction: Sheamus
Actual Winner: Sheamus (New World Heavyweight Champion)
Look going into this match I really thought they two were going to put on a show. Last year they were supposed to wrestle and they were left off the card. I had expected the two of them to show everyone why it was a mistake to leave them off the card. Then 18 seconds into the match and we have a new World Champion. I am surprisingly okay with everything for the outcome. It got the crowd really hyped and was almost a perfect ending to Daniel Bryan title reign especially with how he was winning matches recently. Not to mention it gives a reason for the rematch and they can really take this for a few months.
Match #2 – Randy Orton vs. Kane
My Prediction: Kane
Actual Winner: Kane
Holy crap, I really felt like I went out on a limb for this one. I even only thought Kane was gone to win because Alberto Del Rio was going to return and cost Orton the match. The ended saw Kane choke slam Orton off the top rope for a clean victory. It was not a great match and will never be confused with a classic but it was enjoyable for what it was.
Match #3 – Intercontinental Championship Match: Cody Rhodes (Champion) vs. The Big Show
My Prediction: Cody Rhodes
Actual Winner: The Big Show (New Intercontinental Champion)
Ahhh, my if only I could turn back time match. After I had made my prediction I really second guessed myself. Another good match that will never be mistaken with a classic but it was fun. Nice to see the Big Show win a title at mania. Cody Rhodes is going to be a bright star for the WWE in the future.
Match #4 – Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres
My prediction: Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos
Actual Winner: Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos
Hmm…. This was the worst match of the night…. And really again it wasn’t that bad. Maria Menounos did an amazing job selling her ribs even though it looked like she had some anal leakage going on with her pants. But the common rule is when a celebrity is involved in a match that team is going to win.
Match #5 - Hell in a Cell: The Undertaker vs. HHH
My Prediction: The Undertaker
Actual Winner: The Undertaker
WOW…. This is how a good brawl should be. There was drama with if HBK was going to do the right thing. The Undertaker looked like he could wrestle another five years. This was my personal favorite match between these two in their Wrestlemania trilogy not to mention of the night. My favorite moment came when HBK gave the Undertaker a sweet chin music, and the Undertaker fell into a pedigree by HHH. Then he kicked out of the pin attempt. Miami was going bonkers. Great match and if the three of them never wrestle again they went out on a high note.
Match #6 – Team Johnny vs. Team Teddy
My Prediction: Team Johnny
Actual Winner: Team Johnny
This was in perfect placement as it gave the crowd a chance to rest between the HITC and the title match. I thought there was more you can do with the story line right now if Team Johnny won which he did.
Match #7 – WWE World Championship: CM Punk (Champion) vs. Chris Jericho
My Prediction: CM Punk
Actual Winner: CM Punk
These two had a lot of pressure to put the best match of the night on and they went out and delivered. If the drama of the HITC match was not as great as it was this easily would have been match of the night, especially if you consider work rate. Both guys put on an awesome match that was worthy of being the Main Event of Wrestlemania.
Now before I get into the Main Event as you can see I did really well in my predictions this year. I am pretty pumped that I am about to win that championship for the year. I am tied with a new comer to the event, Justin, no one else can catch either of us for the money and championship. I need John Cena to win and he needs to the Rock to win for this winner take all…
Match #8 – John Cena vs. The Rock
My Prediction: John Cena
Actual Winner: The Rock
I HATE YOU JOHN CENA….. Every nice thing I said about you the last few weeks I now take back. I did not think this match was bad. I thought the Rock look winded and really looked like someone who hasn’t wrestled liked he had in years. They were trying to recapture the magic of Hogan/Andre and Hogan/Rock. To be fair this match was 1000x better then either of those matches. But for getting the one year of being over hyped this match felt incredibly underwhelming. Not to mention I lost $45 and the championship belt.
I thought the show was very good. I know there are a lot of Monday morning Quarterbacks who think that they were cheated out of a better match between Daniel Bryan and Sheamus but I was okay with it. It got the crowd crazy into the show. The WWE did a fantastic job with match selection where they were able to give the very loud Miami crowd a break in anticipation for the next big match. I think my favorite match this year was the Hell in a Cell between the Undertaker and HHH, and a very close second with Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk. I thought the Diva’s match was the only thing that did not really need to happen but it was not horrible either. Overall the show was fantastic in my eyes. Is this show on the same caliber as Wrestlemania III, X, or XVII no but I was entertained for four hours which is all I really want.
So in what I would like to call my 2nd annual predictions for next year. Below you will find my predictions for 8 matches for next years Wrestlemania as well and my predictions for the 2013 WWE Hall of Fame
Wrestlemania 29 Predictions
1) The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
2) WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
3) World Championship: Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
4) The Undertaker vs. John Cena
5) Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
6) Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chris Jericho
7) Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston
8) Money in the Bank – Jack Swagger vs. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder vs. Brodus Clay vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. David Otunga
My 2013 WWE Hall of Fame Predictions
1) Mick Foley
2) Randy Savage & Miss Elizabeth
3) Bob Backlund
4) Demolition
5) Lou Thez
6) Lawrence Taylor
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