No I am not talking about anything sports related. I am talking about televisions fall premier. Last week was the big week for the networks. Introducing the new programs and returning shows from their cliffhangers.
I make no bones about it that probably my favorite show of all time was LOST. I think I may have watched season one three or four times. If someone tells me they like LOST I feel like I can talk to them about anything. The show was amazing, confusing to some but I loved every minute of the ride and felt the shows series finale was everything I could have asked for. There was so much built up into the final episode that it did not disappoint me. I would suggest to anybody who has not seen the show or has watched an episode and has said this was too confusing spend the money on the DVD’s for the show. Just watch it all the way through. Not every question gets answered but it is well worth the investment of time and money.
But anyway I sat down and created a “schedule” looking at some new shows that I may like and of course returning shows. Below is what the “short list is”
8P Chuck (NBC)
8P House (FOX)
9P The Event (NBC)
10P Hawaii Five-O (CBS)
8p No Ordinary Family (ABC)
8p Hell's Kitchen (FOX)
8P Survivor (CBS)
9P Modern Family (ABC)
9P Law & Order SVU* (NBC)
10P Law & Order LA* (NBC)
10P The Ultimate Fighter (SPIK)
8p Community (NBC)
9P The Office (NBC)
8p Smallville (CW)
8p The Simpsons (FOX)
8:30p The Cleveland Show (FOX)
9P Boardwalk Empire (HBO)
9P Family Guy (FOX)
9P Dexter (SHOW)
Okay I like Television!!!!! I watch more television than I should.
First up is Monday night.

Mon 8pm – Chuck on NBC – This is my second favorite show on TV right now. This is a show about an extremely smart “nerd” who accidently downloads a super computer into his head. He ends up becoming a CIA spy and has two spy handlers. I think NBC has only ordered 12 episodes for this season which worries me that this could be it. I was part of the group that went out to Subway, one of their major sponsors, during their second season finale. This is such a fun show and it doesn’t require you to think about the show one way or another. This show could be two separate shows with all the CIA stuff and everything that happens at the “Buy More”. Plus any show that has given us “Jeffster” should get a nice long TV run.
Mon 8pm – House – This is a show that I will probably never watch live. House is popular enough where I am sure you know what it is about. This is one of Lisa’s favorite shows and I like it too so it will always be on the DVR.
Mon 9pm – The Event – The promo for this said, “If Lost and 24 had a baby it would be the Event.” This show is two episodes in and I have only seen the pilot. I liked the first episode but I am afraid this is going to be too much like Flash Forward and get canceled after one season.
Mon 10p – Hawaii Five-O – What a fun show this has turned out to be. I didn’t really want to watch this but was eating lunch and had nothing better to do and really enjoyed it. Episode 2 was more of the same. I am not sure I would classify this as a must watch but I have enjoy it so far. Plus it has made for good stuff on Tuesdays to watch On Demand while eating lunch.
Tue 8p – No Ordinary Family – This shows premiers tonight at 8pm. Let’s be honest here…. This show could be crap put down on a piece of paper. But it deals with ordinary people getting extraordinary powers. This is right up my alley. I know this will be in the regular rotation and if it does not make it. It’s got to be really bad.
Wed 8p – Hell’s Kitchen – I really like Hell’s Kitchen. Especially during the summer when there isn’t a whole lot on. I have already eliminated this before watching a single episode. Come on FOX 2 hours for this show a night. There is no way I can sit there and do that.
Wed 8pm – Survivor – I am not a big survivor fan. I have watched two seasons of this show, the very first season and the All-Star season. The only reason why I was watching this was because I putting Jack to bed and former NFL coach Jimmy Johnson is a contestant. I have watched the first two episodes and enjoyed it but if Jimmy Johnson gets eliminated before I get invested into the season this one could easily be on the chopping block.

Wed 9pm – Modern Family – Hands down this show has taken over as funniest show on TV. If you are not watching it something is clearly wrong with you.
Wed 9pm – Law and Order SVU – I like all the Law and Orders. If I start to watch an episode I do enjoy and I normally see it all the way through. I could care less if this show is new or old. I am going to record it because this is one of Lisa’s favorite shows. So now this may sit on the DVR for a long period of time but as long as Lisa wants to watch the show I will make sure I record the new episodes for her.
Wed 10pm – Law and Order Los Angeles – See above

Wed 10p – The Ultimate Fighter – Team GSP vs. Team Koscheck. I am still relatively new to the MMA scene. Josh Koscheck is an amazing wrestler who is going to do everything he can to get under the skin of the most likeable guy in the UFC George St. Pierre. I really only will watch this show depending on who the coaches are and this one definitely has some fun coaches. I may never watch this live but it I will be caught up on it.
Thu 8p – Community – The show I almost gave up on last year. I had watched a bunch of episodes and they started off very slow. I was ready to give up when one day I was able to do a marathon of the show while I was at work. They found what worked and the show has been hilarious. During the first episode of the second season I put out there on Facebook that I was extremely glad I never gave up on this one.
Thu 9p – The Office – Enough Said.

Fri 8pm – Smallville – So it’s a show about the origin of Superman in its 10th and final season. This season we have already seen the Superman suit. I mark out like a 14 year old for almost every episode and every superhero they bring on to the show.
Sun 8p – The Simpson – 22 years and going strong. How can I give up on them now?
Sun 8:30pm – The Cleveland Show – This show has the good fortune of being between the Simpsons and the Family guy. I probably would have stopped watching this show if it wasn’t for all the crossovers between the Cleveland Show and Family Guy. It still has some good laughs but definitely not as funny as the Family Guy.
Sun 9pm – The Family Guy – As long as you do not get offended easily this show is a laugh a minute. The season premier was fantastic. And I never really know who is funnier; Peter, Stewie, or Quagmire.
Sun 9pm – Boardwalk Empire – This is another new show that could have been a hit or miss with me. HBO always puts on good shows and they have faith in their shows. I heard a lot of mixed reviews for the first episode and when I finally sat down to watch it I really liked it. I still have to watch episode 2 but this looks to be a keeper.
And finally
Sun 9pm – Dexter – America’s favorite Serial Killer. This is the first season I have watched it live. After a few years of people telling me how good this show is I gave it a watch. They were right. With LOST off the air this has become my new favorite TV show. Watch this show is all I can say. I am hoping this comes to me a birthday present next week.
Wow….. I watch too much TV. Thank God for the DVR