Saturday, September 11, 2010

Oh What a Week

Well this blog has officially turned me into a liar. I know I promised writing about some fantasy football teams last week and truth be told it never happened. I have no real excuse. Last weekend I was just kind of lazy and I never had the time to sit down and just start writing about it. I will still do a fantasy football blog it just is not going to happen today.

This has been an interesting week to say the least.

On Tuesday I received in the mail 4 tickets to the WWE Smackdown taping in Baltimore. I knew I was getting these tickets and truthfully thought I was just going to give them away. Then I opened the envelope up…. My jaw had dropped and was in amazement. Years I have been going to wrestling shows, forcing people to go with me so they can appreciate the art of it. Never had I been that close. FRONT ROW SEATS!!!!! I sent Lisa an e-mail and text telling her we were going. I called my mother in law who was going to keep the kids later, and I found two other friends to go with me. I have not been to a wrestling show in a few years and I was pumped. I have never had seats that good. Right before I was about to leave one of the local ad agencies called me and told me they received a bunch of tickets for the show and gave them to me as well. I ended up with 10 tickets 4 in the front row and 6 in section 115. I have not been this excited to see a wrestling show in a long, long time.

I left work around 4:30pm and broke every speed law I could to get home. When I got home I found Lisa passed out on the floor in the bathroom. She told me she has a horrible headache, her body hurts and for maybe the second time since we have met she was actually sick. She told me to go to the show, but I knew my place was at my house. At that point I called one of my friends and told them to stop at my house and I gave them all 10 tickets. It really sucked that I couldn’t go and trust me I really wanted to but I had to be home and make sure Lisa was okay.

So on Thursday night, Lex and Lisa went to bed. I watched the first half of the Saints and Vikings game. At that point I decided to watch the rest of the game in my room. I put Lex in his bed which is the normal routine. At some point he came back into my room to sleep between myself and Lisa. Again nothing about this was odd. However, I heard Lex moaning in his sleep like he was in pain. It woke the both of us up and we discovered he had gotten sick in his room. So he went to give me a hung and used me as target practice for his next projectile vomit. At this point we decided that I was going to take the day off on Friday to take care of Lex and Jack would go to his normal baby sitter.

Lex was kind of miserable on Friday but he slept most of the morning. Around 10:30 I get a call from Lisa and she tells me she is getting Jack and coming home. She says she feels like she wants to pass out. When Lisa got home she looked miserable. At this point Lex was feeling a bit better. So I took Jack from her and she laid down upstairs. Lex and Jack were both in bed by 8pm. So I had some down time that night.

So I am at the hotel right now and to give the update. Lex is not feeling well still. He has become kind of sluggish and has slept a lot today. Besides feeling a bit weak from yesterday Lisa says she feels a lot better. Jack on the other hand had his first real throw up of his life. I am leaving as soon as my relief gets here to help out at home. We were hoping Lisa’s mom was going to come up and help out but she is not feeling well.

Since I have yet to be sick…. I am sure I am doomed next week.

Wish me luck

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