It really seems the only time I can actually sit down and write a blog entry is when I am working at the hotel. Last weekend I was working with my Assistant General Manager all weekend so I really could not break away and write about anything.
This blog is probably going to get me into trouble.
Last weekend the New York Yankees were in town. Everyone who works in my hotel really can not stand it when we get Yankee and Red Sox fans here. They spend good money but it feels like we always have problems, and everyone is extremely high maintenance. Me personally I never look forward to those weekends but I always end up enjoying them. I always get a fun baseball conversation and I get to talk a lot of senseless trash. For instance I was talking to three or four Yankee fans and they were telling me C.C. Sabathia was going to get his 20th win of the season. I jumped in and said there was no way the Orioles were losing and they always play C.C. well. On Sunday morning I was eating those words after the Yankees beat the Orioles 11 to 3.
Anyway with that said when I walked in last Sunday I was told we had not one but two domestic disputes in the hotel. They were both really sad and heartbreaking for two reasons. The one that I was more involved with apparently had a woman decided on a family trip with her three children to let her husband know she was having an affair with her ex-husband. The more you talked to the guy and the more of the story that came out your heart really just went out to this guy.
The one that really bothered me and got me fired up was for a completely different reason. The back story here is that the hotel’s night security was walking on the 4th floor early in the morning and heard a man screaming at someone. He said something and the problem continued and he was made aware the 3rd person to talk to him would be the local police department. What bother me more than anything about this is not once did anyone call us and complain. One person told me came to the front desk and asked me if I knew what happened in the room. I of course am going to play dumb and this woman gave me her account of what happened. Then she said the thing that almost made me flip out. She told me, “I thought the guy was going to kill her.” I can not believe that in how quickly people like to call the police not a single person called the front desk and said, “Hey, there may be a problem here.” I was so fired up about it. I was so frustrated with the hotel last weekend. I told those close to me it is times like these I just want to quit. I was really disgusted with people after this.
Anyway we are getting really busy right now. I apologize in advance if none of this makes sense I just wanted to get it off my chest.
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